Thursday, August 21, 2008

I learned something new today

I added one of my own vacation photos to the header. Yay me! It's sad how I am so not computer savvy that this accomplishment seems big to me. Before you judge me too harshly for my ineptitude, let me just tell you that my husband is like Nick Burns from SNL. Except this time he let me do it myself without saying MOOVE!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Someone help me please!

I'm jumping in with both feet here. My first post on my first blog. Wow. I have butterflies in my tummy. Ok, my goal here is to document my attempts at saving money for my family using the various couponing and rebate methods that I have been reading about lately. I have been more aware of our spending habits recently, and we are seriously in debt, so I need a plan. Like yesterday. Last month. Last year. I will also post recipes that we use along the way. We have gourmet taste on a blech budget, so this should be fun. Right?